Ingredient: Shredded Mexican Blend (monterey


Albe & Amanda Taco Slice

We found this recipe one year while we were in Burlington VT for New Years. We had just arrived and were starving so we strayed into a divey looking place called Ken’s. It was a small place that was split into 2 sections with take on the left and a small dining room/bar on the right with an old school feel. They sold pizza by the slice at the bar along with every hot sauce on the planet – they were very proud of their collection. In fact, we also discovered one of out all time favorite hot sauces there, El Yucateco!

We ordered the Taco Slice, a spectacularly inventive pizza with all the fixings of a taco with a few twists such as chopped black olives. It was unbelievable. So much so that we spent quite some time replicating their recipe and this is the result. Enjoy!